Link untuk download buku

Buku, jurnal, artikel merupakan kebutuhan bagi akademisi terutama untuk digunakan sebagai bahan referensi atau rujukan perkuliahan dan penulisan. Banyak buku “bagus” berbahasa inggris yang kadang sulit ditemukan di toko buku. link berikut mungkin dapat membantu anda untuk mencari dan mendownload buku dengan gratis sebagai bahan bacaan dan referensi.


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Posted by on August 26, 2015 in Uncategorized


Memilih Jurnal untuk Publikasi Ilmiah

Setelah lama tidak update postingan blog, berikut saya share informasi yang baru saja saya dapat dalam workshop yang saya ikuti mengenai memilih jurnal yang tidak abal-abal atau predator.

beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan adalah:

1. cek, apakah nama jurnal yang anda tuju terdaftar. salah satu link yang bisa digunakan untuk mengecek nama jurnal dan rankingnya adalah:

ranking dan Q belum menjamin bahwa jurnal tersebut tidak abal-abal.

2. jurnal abal-abal biasanya berbayar

3. Cek publishernya (bisa lewat: pastikan publisher terpercaya

4. lihat chef editor. paling tidak terdiri dari 3 negara berbeda dan atau  dari 3 instintusi yang berbeda tiap negara.

terima kasih

2. lihat pu

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Posted by on August 2, 2015 in Uncategorized




Sharing Informasi

pada tanggal 22 Nopember 2014, akan diadakan kontes literasi matematika untuk SMP/MTs sederajat lingkup Jawa Timur dan Bali.

Kontes tersebut akan dilaksankan di Kampus Pascasarjana Unesa (Universitas Negeri Surabaya) Ketintang. Batas pendaftaran 19 Nopember 2014.

Bagi yang berminat dapat menghubungi CP yang tertera pada brosur berikut.


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Posted by on November 12, 2014 in Uncategorized


Getalslierten “Number String”: Math Game/Permainan Matematika


Gambar 1. Tampilan awal game getalslierten (layout) pada komputer

Getalslierten “Number String” merupakan permainan matematika yang dirancang untuk anak kelas 1 sekolah dasar. Melalui permainan ini siswa diajarkan untuk mengurutkan bilangan 1 – 100. Selain itu siswa juga dapat melatih kemampuan menghitung bilangan berpola lima-lima atau sepuluh-sepuluh. Sebenarnya permainan ini merupakan permainan yang berbasis ICT (java applet) yang dapat di akses di Namun, permainan ini juga bisa dimainkan secara offline (Paper and pencil based) seperti tampak pada lembar aktivitas.

Permainan Getalslierten “Number String” dapat dilakukan baik secara individual, berpasangan dan/atau berkelompok, bahkan bisa dimainkan oleh siswa 1 kelas.

Jika permainan ini akan digunakan untuk seluruh siswa 1 kelas (permainan kelas) maka sebaiknya guru membuatnya dalam ukuran yang besar. Setiap tempat angka di cetak dalam 1 lembar kertas terpisah dan disusun di papan tulis. Berikan beberapa angka kepada siswa dan minta mereka untuk menempatkannya sesuai dengan tempat angka itu seharusnya di papan tulis.

Namun jika permainan ini digunakan dalam kegiatan individu atau kelompok maka lembar aktivitas berikut dapat digunakan.

Download activity/permainan/ worksheetGetalslierten


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Book of Magic Worksheet: Math Activity/game

Pada postingan terdahulu ( penulis telah mengulas mengenai permainan matematika “book of magic” yang merupakan salah satu permainan matematika online untuk mengajarakan perkalian, penjumlahan, pengurangan dan pembagian. Pada kesempatan ini penulis akan kembali mengulas permainan ini tetapi dalam bentuk paper-pencil based (bukan permainan online).

Permainan book of magic pada postingan kali ini merupakan modifikasi permainan matematika online Book of Magic yang bisa diakses di melalui permainan ini siswa  dapat melatih kemampuan berpikir mereka terkait dengan penyelesaian soal terbuka mengenai operasi hitung bilangan bulat. Permainan book of magic berikut cocok diberikan untuk anak usia 9 samapai 12 tahun. Berikut ini akan dipaparkan mengenai aturan, contoh dan beberapa soal serta kartu yang bisa digunakan dalam permainan. Banyak soal dapat ditambah dengan cara membuatnya sendiri.


  1. Gunakan angka dan symbol operasi bilangan yang diberikan pada halaman buku sebelah kiri sehingga membentuk angka yang ada pada halaman sebelah kanan buku.
  2. Angka yang ada hanya boleh dipakai satu kali tetapi, symbol operasi bilangan dapat digunakan lebih dari satu kali.
  3. Tuliskan perhitunganmu pada halaman buku sebelah kiri
  4. Tunjukkan jawabanmu pada guru, dan kumpulkan kartu magic jika jawabanmu benar
  5. 5.     Buatlah sebuah soal seperti yang permainan yang telah kalian mainkan.

Contoh permainan:










Download Lembar aktivitas/permainan: book of maggic-worksheet


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REVIEW ARTICLE: Realistic mathematics education theory as a guideline for problem-centered, interactive mathematics education (Koeno Gravemeijer)

Reviewed by Evangelista Lus W.P. (Impome 2011)

Prof. Koeno Gravemeijer is professor of mathematics and science education in University of Eindhoven, Netherland. Earlier he was affiliated with the Freudenthal Institute of Utrecht University. He has written many articles and has done many researches related to curriculum development, instructional design, domain-specific instruction theories includes the theory for realistic mathematics education/RME ( One of his writing is “Realistic mathematics education theory as a guideline for problem-centered, interactive mathematics education” (2010) which can be read in book titled “A decade of PMRI in Indonesia” edited by R. Sembiring, K. Hoogland and M. Dolk. and it will be reviewed in this essay.

Based on fact that there has been changeover in mathematics education from thinking about instruction as the ‘transmission of knowledge’ towards ‘learning as the construction knowledge’, and as the result there has been a move towards problem centered, interactive mathematics, which requires a change in how instruction is conceptualized. Those give its own challenge for the teacher that is to guide the construction of the students in indirect manner which can be helped using RME theory. So that, in his article, Gravemeijer discusses three main points: problem-centered mathematics; fostering reinvention; and RME theory (includes the role of concrete material, context problem and the cultivation of mathematical interest).

1.    Problem-centered mathematics

Gravemeijer explain that problem-centered, interactive, classroom has different didactical contract than traditional classroom which social norm culture in which teacher is always right. Students who are learning in classroom culture in which teacher is always right will not easily start to think on their own (Desforges & Cockburn in Gravemeijer, 2010) while in the problem-centered classroom, students have to think for themselves, not for the teacher expectation. They have to explain and justify their solution, try to understanding other students’ reasoning, ask question about the explanation in which they do not understand, and challenge arguments they do not agree with. And to make students particular with that norm, teacher should not just tell them verbally or make a rule of that, but teacher have to shape it through experiences like by offering challenging or intriguing open task, arranging them to work in group, give inspiring content and using concrete material.

2. Fostering reinvention

Motivating and involving students in learning process is not enough. Mathematics education also has to reach the conventional mathematics goal through helping the students to build on their own thinking while constructing more sophisticated mathematics while the teacher only can get involved in what students construct. Gravemeijer wrote that to reconcile the constructivist stance we can use a ‘hypothetical learning trajectory/HLT’ which is combination of instructional and mental activities, and their relation with the instructional goal (Simon, 1995 in Gravemeijer, 2010). HLT have to fit with long-term learning strands which is uneasy and complicated to design. Due of that, Gravemeijer argue that teachers should be offered or given support such as by a local instruction theory (a theory about possible learning process for a given topic) which is included in a domain-specific instruction theory such as RME theory. Read the rest of this entry »


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Written By: Silvana N. S. (IMPoME students 2011)

(Adopted  from”Developing A Learning EnvironmentOn Realistic Mathematics Education For Indonesian Student Teachers” by Prof. Zulkardi)

In Indonesia, many pupils still see mathemathics as a ghost. Furthermore, teachers make the already challenging subject that much harder for the pupils to learn. The teachers also still use  teaching method based on teacher-centered instead of student-centered. Thus, the pupils are passive and simply copy what teacher writes on the black board. Same thing happen to the assessment process, it is not integrated in the instructional process but is provided at the end of the lesson. The problems used in assessment only focus on algorithm and procedures and they lack of practical applications. These problems can be catagorized to the lower level of thinking. One promising solution for all those mathematics education problems in Indonesia is RME (Realistic Mathematics Education).

RME is one of teaching and learning theories in mathematics education. This theory is invited and developed for the first time in Netherlands in 1970’s but in Indonesia it starts to be developed in 2000’s. It is  strongly influenced by Hans Freudenthal’s concept of ‘mathematics as a human activity’ (Freudenthal, 1991). According to Freudenthal, pupils should not be treated as passive recipients of ready-made mathematics, but they should discover and reinvent mathematics by doing it themselves.

There are five characteristics of RME (de Lange, 1987; Gravemeijer, 1994):

  • the use of contexts in phenomenological exploration;
  • the use of models or bridging by vertical instruments;
  • the use of pupils’ own creations and contributions;
  •  the interactive character of the teaching process or interactivity; and
  • the intertwining of various mathematics strands or units.

In RME, the starting point of mathematics instruction should be experientially real to the student. This process will make them to: explore the situation; find and identify the relevant mathematical elements; schematize and visualize in order to discover patterns; and develop a model resulting in a mathematical concept. By a process of reflecting and generalizing, the pupils will develop a more complete concept. It is then expected that the pupils will subsequently apply mathematical concepts to other aspects of their daily life, and by so doing, reinforce and strengthen the concept.

In RME classroom, the teacher should:

  1. Facilitate pupils with a contextual problem that relates to the topic as the starting point.
  2. During an interaction activity, give the pupils a hint if  they need help.
  3. Let the pupils find their own solution. This means that pupils are free to make discoveries at their own level, to build on their own experiential knowledge, and perform shortcuts at their own pace.
  4. Organize and stimulate the pupils to compare their solutions in a class discussion. Ask the pupils to communicate, argue and justify their solutions.
  5. Give other contextual problems.

In RME, the assessment functions not only in the margin of instruction, but it is also an integral part of the instructional process. According to De Lange (1987), there are five  guiding principles of assessment in RME:

  1. The primary purpose of testing is to improve learning and teaching. This means that assessment should take place during the teaching-learning process in addition to at the end of a unit or course.
  2. Methods of assessment should enable the pupils to demonstrate what they know rather than what they do not know. Assessment can be conducted by using problems that have multiple solutions and can be approached using multiple strategies.
  3. Assessment should operationalize all of the goals of mathematics education: lower, middle and higher order thinking level.
  4. The quality of mathematics assessment is not determined by its accessibility to objective scoring. For that reason, the use of objective tests and mechanical tests should be eschewed in favor of assessments in which we can see whether pupils truly understand the mathematical concepts involved.
  5. The assessment tools should be practical, fit into the usual school practice.



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Pendidikan Aritmatika Realistik untuk anak-anak usia 6-7 tahun

Written by: Destina Wahyu W. M.Sc.

Pengenalan matematika pada anak usia 6-7 tahun, atau sekitar awal sekolah dasar menjadi perhatian yang sangat menarik. Apakah mengenalkan aritmatika dengan menggunakan permainan yang berhubungan dengan kehidupan sehari-hari akan lebih baik jika dibandingkan dengan pengenalan aritmatika secara tradisional.

Pada sekitar tahun 1970an, dijalankan proyek penelitian untuk program primary school dengan nama “Wiskobas”. Kurikulum pengajaran untuk materi penjumlahan dan pengurangan utnuk anak usia 6 tahun dibangun didalam buku kerja dengan tema ‘the bus’.Buku kerja ini ditujukan untuk 4 proyek penelitian yang berbeda.

  1. Proyek ini diawali dengan menitikberatan pada hasil dan bukan pada proses, bagaimana cara siswa menyelesaikan permasalah tidaklah menjadi soal, namun lebih kepada bagaimana hasil dari penyelesaian suatu permasalahan tersebut. Tipe pendidikan yng digunakan juga tidak terlalu menjadi pertimbangan.
  2. Proyek selanjutnya adalah tentang evaluasi pendidikan di sekolah “The Drees School”. Pada proyek ini, guru memberikan opini mereka tentang penggunaan buku kerja siswa ”the bus”, Dari opini yang mereka berikan, jelas sekali bahwa para guru menggunakan buku kerja siswa dengan cara yang berbeda, ada beberapa bagian dari buku kerja siswa yang tidak digunakan, ada juga bagian yang diberi penekanan lebih dalam.
  3. Pada proyek yang ketiga, dikembangkan hipotesa tentang pengembangan penelitian.Parasiswa diberikan kebebasan untuk mengembangkan ide mereka berkaitan dengan buku kerja siswa “The bus”. Penelitian yang ketiga ini merupaka penelitian mutual, dimana seorang peneliti dapat memperoleh berbagai ide pemikiran yang berbeda dari tiap siswa dalam waktu yang bersamaan.Parapeneliti membiasakan diri untuk membuat catatan detail dari semua aktivitas selama penelitian, mulai dari tingkah laku siswa, respon siswa, atau bahkan kejadian yang memalukan.

Metode dan tehnik, terinspirasi oleh pendidikan

Dari proyek penelitian yang dilakukan oleh penulis, terlihat jelas bahwa pendidikan dapat menjadi sumber untuk tehnik dan metode penelitian baru, statu contoh pada saat berdiskusi dengan siswa, ditemukan sejumlah tehnik sosial yang dapat digunakan untuk penelitian mutual dan yang terinspirasi oleh prosedur didaktik dalam pendidikan.

Contoh: membaca catatan dengan keras; Memanfaatkan konflik dan kejutan; Menciptakan suasana permainan.


Penelitian mutual merupakan pengembangan dari clinical interview, karakteristik dari clinical interview seperti instropeksi, retrospeksi, dsb telah menunjukkan bahwa selama ini penelitian hanya dipusatkan pada subyek penelitian yaitu siswa, sudut pandang peneliti tidaklah menjadi bagian yang perlu diperhatikan, pada clinical interview, reseacher hanya menjadi bagian pasif , sebaliknya pada penelitian mutual, observer ikut terlibat dengan subyek penelitian, dimulai dari memberikan pertanyaan sampai dengan menyampaikan sudut pendang mereka yang kemudian dibandingkan dengan pemikiran para siswa.

Dua tipe pendidikan tersebut di atas memiliki tiga perbedaan mendasar yaitu: Konteks, Bahasa, dan latihan-latihan.

Tiga perbedaan dalam pendidikan

1. Konteks dalam pendidikan

Pebedaan matemática realistik dengan matemátika tradisional ádalah, dalam matemática realsitik siswa membayangkan suatu keadaan atau kondisi sehingga mereka menyadari atau memahami ide mereka sendiri,. Oleh karena itu pembelajaran seperti ini disebut matematika realistik. Sedangkan dalam matemática tradicional, upaya untuk memvisualisasikan penjumlahan dan pengurangan dilakukan dengan gambar dan objek. Aktifitas tertentu yang disebut dengan manipulasi matemática dipelajari dengan menggunakan rods tapi tidak ada perhatian tertentu tentang apa yang telah diketahui siswa tentang angka. Manipulasi matemtaika ini memerlukan waktu yang lama, latihan-latihan yang diberikan juga memiliki tingkat kesulitan yang terus betambah dan kesulitan sebisa mungkin dihindari. Tingkatan mekanistik menjadi salahs atu aspek yang juga membedakannya dengan matemática realistik. Kesadaran siswa akan ide mereka menjadi rancu dengan ide siswa lain atau dengan sifat matemática yang lain yang kurang familiar dengan siswa.

2. Bahasa Aritmatik dalam pendidikan


Aspek khusus dari buku kerja siswa “The bus” hádala bahasa penulisan yang berbeda dengan matemática tradicional, dimana matemática tradisional menggunakan bahasa”is’ sedangkan bahasa yang baru ini menggunakan bahasa “arrow”. Operasi penjumlahan disajikan dalam bentuk gambar “bus”. Jumlah penumpang ditulis pada bus, panah menunjukkan arah dan diatas arrow terdapat angka dengan opersi + jika penumpang bertambah dan – jira penumpang berkurang atau turun. Pada perkembangan selanjutnya siswa dapat memberikan dekorasi pada bus sesuai dengan imajinasi mereka, dan pada akhirnya tanda arroz dihilangkan tanpa mengurangi makna dari arroz itu sendiri. Inilah awal dari lahirnya penjumlahan formal yang digeneralisasi dari hasil penemuan berbagai macam dekorasi.

Empat karakteristik linguistik dari bahasa “arrow” Read the rest of this entry »


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RME-Conception of The learner – learning and The teacher – teaching

Written by: Destina Wahyu W. 

Conception of Learners and Learning

The conception of Learning in RME is in line with the conception of learners. The starting point in the learning process in the realistic approach is emphasized on the conception that the students are familiar with. Each learner has a preconception or a set of alternative conceptions about mathematical ideas. After a student is involved meaningfully in a learning process, the student develops the conceptions to a higher level. In this step, the student actively acquires new knowledge. The construction of knowledge is a process of change that proceeds slowly from the first to second and then to the third. In this process the student is responsible for his own learning.

The conception of Learning and Learning that relevant with RME are:

  • Each learner brings his or her preconception to the educational experience. These preconceptions are highly influential on subsequent learning. Learners possess a diverse set of alternative conceptions about mathematical ideas that influence their future learning.
  • Each learner actively constructs meaning. Learners acquire new knowledge by constructing it for themselves.
  • Each learner is ready to share his or her personal meaning with others, and based on this negotiation process, reconceptualizes the initial knowledge structures. The construction of knowledge is a process of change that includes addition, creation, modification, refinement, restructuring, and rejection.
  • Each learner takes responsibility for his or her learning. The new knowledge learners construct for themselves has its origin in a diverse set of experiences
  • Each learner is convinced that success in learning with understanding is possible. In other words, all students regardless of race, culture, and gender are capable of understanding and doing mathematics.

Conception of the teacher and teaching

The tenets of RME reflect the role of the teachers in mathematics teaching. Ideally, the teachers developed highly interactive instruction, give opportunities to the students to actively contribute to their own learning process, and actively assist the students in interpreting real problems. In RME the teacher is not supposed to teach anymore. His or her role is emphasized on being an organizer and a facilitator of the students’ reconstruction of mathematical ideas and concepts. He or she needs to make his or her own personal adaptation. Gravemeijer (1994) similarly describes that since students are no longer expected to simply produce correct answers quickly by following prescribed procedures, but have other obligations such as explaining and justifying solutions, trying to understand the solutions of others, and asking for explanations or justifications if necessary, the role of the teacher is changed. According to Gravemeijer (1994) the authority of the teacher as a validator is exchanged for an authority as a guide. He or she exercises the authority by way of selecting instructional activities, initiating and guiding a discussions, and reformulating selected aspects of students’ mathematical contributions.

In the conception of the teacher an teaching, the tenets of RME are:

  • The starting points of instructional sequences should be experientially real to students so that they can immediately engage in personally meaningful mathematical activities.
  • In addition to taking into account the students’ current mathematical ways of knowing, the starting points should also be justifiable in terms of the potential end points of the learning sequence.
  • Instructional sequence should involve activities in which students create and elaborate symbolic models of their informal mathematical activity.
  • The first three tenets can only be effective if they are realized in interactive instruction: explaining and justifying solutions, understanding other students’ solutions, agreeing and disagreeing, questioning alternative, reflecting.
  • Real phenomena in which mathematical structure and concepts manifest themselves lead to intertwining of learning strands.

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Written by: Destina Wahyu Winarty


The aim of this research is figuring out the influence of teaching approach towards students understanding in learning mathematics in introducing multiplication concept to 2nd grade students. One interesting topic that effect student understanding towards a certain subject is how teacher explain in front of the class. On the observation held on 30th of November, class was conducted for 2nd grader on their 1st semester. Here teacher brought up the case about introduction to multiplication with contextual approach

Multiplication was chosen as a subject to be delivered to the student based on the previous observation. Interview was conducted from 3 students in the 3rd grade, 1st student has good skill in calculation but she cannot solve the contextual problem still, 2nd student does not have basic understanding about multiplication at all, and the 3rd student cannot connect his/her addition skill to solve the multiplication problem. The researchers choose 2nd grade because based on the previous observation on the 3rd grade some students did not have good understanding about multiplication, Based on this reason, the introduction of multiplication through contextual approach was given on the 2nd grade so that in 3rd grade it will be more effective for teacher to teach multiplication since the students have been introduced to multiplication starting from grade 2. This teaching is started with contextual problem because the researchers want students to build their own understanding based on their daily life.